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Resources and links
Published work

Below you will find links to a number of published articles that we have been involved in writing, which you might find of interest.

Anatomy of Compassion

Two papers outlining a Compassionate Mind Approach to the understanding challenges in the perinatal system:​

Screenshot of research article
Screenshot of research article

Collaborative recognition of wellbeing needs

A project to develop a collaborative approach to understanding the wellbeing of families in neonatal care:

Screenshot of research article

Navigating relational and technological practice

An article exploring some of the challenges of relational practice in neonatal care:

Screenshot of research article
Other resources

We have also contributed to a number of other projects and resources that you might find interesting and useful.

Solihull Approach Logo

Solihull Approach

A digital platform to help parents get to know their baby in and after a neonatal hospital admission:

Canopie logo

Neonatal Canopie

Funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research, a digital platform to provide compassion-focused support to new parents, with a focus on those with a baby in neonatal care:

Psychologically Informed Neonatal Care logo

Psychologically informed neonatal care

An NHS England funded digital learning course for professionals exploring the psychological impact of neonatal care on babies, families and staff:

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